US Cranberries
Cranberries are not just any fruit – they are America’s Original Superfruit.® As one of three commonly cultivated fruits native only to North America, cranberries are an important crop with roots deep in American history. More than 1,100 small family farmers – many of them fourth, fifth or even sixth generation – produce U.S. cranberries in leading production states of Wisconsin, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oregon and Washington. Cranberries are a versatile, nutrient-dense fruit that can be easily incorporated into sweet and savory dishes.
Cranberry News
Using Cranberries during Frozen Food Month
In the fall, cranberry consumers to “buy one for now, two for the freezer,” meaning store fresh cranberries in the freezer for use later on. Frozen foods are a convenient and delicious way to eat the items you love year round. What better time than right now – Frozen...
Start With Tart During Hot Breakfast Month
Start With Tart During Hot Breakfast Month What’s better than beginning a cold winter day with a delicious, hot breakfast? Beginning your day with a delicious, hot breakfast featuring America’s Original Superfruit®, of course! Starting with tart, also known as cooking...
National Dried Fruit Month
January is #nationaldriedfruit month and we thought now was a great time to celebrate the dried version of America’s Original Superfruit®. Sweetened dried cranberries (SDCs) are produced by infusing a sweetener into sliced or whole fresh cranberries until a specific...
Guide to Entertaining with Fresh Cranberries
We teamed up with recipe and decor guru, Carlene Thomas, RDN, LD, of Healthfully Ever After, to bring you a one-of-a-kind Guide to Entertaining with Fresh Cranberries. These easy-to-follow recipes and DIY décor ideas featuring America’s Original Superfruit® are...
5 Things to do with Fresh Cranberries
It’s cranberry harvest season and that means fresh cranberries should be bouncing into a grocery store near you very soon, if they haven’t already. Be sure to stock up on fresh cranberries this fall by buying one bag for now and two for the freezer. You can store bags...